THE RAINBOW ROSES !!!!! ROSES FOR Someone special :)
The Rainbow roses were created by Dutch flower company owner Peter Van De Werken, who produced them by developing a technique for injecting natural pigments into their stems while they are growing to create a striking multicolored petal effects.
The dye are produced from natural plant extracts and absorbed by the flowers as they grow.
A special process then controls how much color reaches each petal- with spectacular results. By treating the stalk with natural pigments, Van De Werken has manage to make each petal a different color.
The pigment is absorbed and travels to the petals where it changes their hue.
Highly disapointing situations
1. Ur Best frnd weds ur lover :'(
2. A close friend avoiding widout reason ;(
3. 10 mark question asked for 2mark :(
4. Principal sitting near u on tour :(
5. Xtremly gud lukin guy/gal crosing u wen u r wid ur mom/dad :(
6. Teachrs distributing ur test papers in front of your juniors :/
7. Frnd calling on b'day n not wishing :@
8. Dear 1 suddenly stopped msgng :O
9. Leaving dis post without liking it too :P
US Dollar v/s Petrol Price in India
US Dollor is increased to 55/-
Petrol is increased to 78/-
But Thank God
Passing marks are still 40 only :p